
What is this research study about?

Parents are the most important people in their children’s lives.

When a parent has cancer, parents might have concerns about the impact on their children, both now and in the future. Unfortunately, there aren’t currently any programs to help parents and their families with these concerns – but they’re sorely needed, as over 90% of moms with metastatic breast cancer say they want support in helping their children and partners.

We’re dedicated to working alongside families when a parent has cancer. The FAMILY program has been developed with the help of patients, spouses, caregivers, and healthcare workers (such as oncologists, social workers, nurses, and therapists). We want to partner with parents to address their unique concerns and maintain the ways they want to live in the day-to-day as a family.

Why participate?

Other research has shown that parents with cancer want more information and support for themselves and their family members. 

Taking part in this research study may:

    1. Reduce concerns about your children, and
    2. Help your family feel better prepared to cope with (current or future) cancer-related changes at home.

Participating will also help us help families in the future.

What’s involved?

Both parents meet together with a trained social worker. Together, we’ll discuss how to best support your children (and each other). At the end, we’ll ask for your feedback to improve the program for other families.

    • 2 visits (~60 min)
    • 3-4 online surveys (10-15 min)
    • 1 phone interview (~30 min)
We know that parents are busy people.

To respect your time, we offer:

    • Flexible scheduling (daytime, evenings, weekends)
    • $125 in compensation (VISA gift card) as a token of our thanks
    • Video visits (participate from home)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are meeting exclusively via video chat to reduce infection risk.